As the prestigious half-week-long knock-out event unfolds it never fails to bring with it soaring emotions and crashing despair as dreams are realised or obliterated in defeat. Despite the absence of some of…
Henley Royal Regatta Gallery Sale
I am thrilled to announce that at this year’s Regatta I will be having some of my work on display and For Sale in the Regatta Gallery Tent (found under the Grandstand in the…
Back up and running!
The website is now back up and running again after coming under attack last weekend. My apologies if you encountered a rather obtuse warning message across your screens when visiting the website, I have sifted through all the files and removed the malicious code…
Water, Light, Timing
Apparently weekends are for winding down after busy weeks. A heady mixture of lie-ins, late breakfasts whilst reading the paper in bed, perhaps a nice walk somewhere to a pub lunch followed by an afternoon…